projects i worked on 🛠


September, 6th 2023

This portfolio website. Built in Sveltekit and deployed to Vercel. Uses supabase as a database and checkly for uptime monitoring and E2E tests.


May, 16th 2023

A sveltekit application deployed to Google Cloud Platform using Compute Instances and linked to a cloud postgres database via a private cloud network.
SveltePostgreSQLBashGitGitlabGoogle Cloud PlatformCSS3TypeScriptSveltekit


February, 6th 2023

A web application built in Java Spring. It is a multi-tenant CMS for youthcouncils in Belgian municipalities to organize themselves, ideas of members and communicate events like announcements or the status of action points.
HTML5CSS3JavaScriptGitJavaSpringHibernateBashPostgreSQLScrumGitlabGoogle Cloud PlatformJUnitScssThymeleaf


September, 25th 2022

A web application built in Java Spring where users can join and chat on multiple channel. Depending on their role, they can manage channels.


September, 19th 2022

A web application built in Java Spring, reading meditation and focus data from a headband and displaying it in a realtime dashboard. It also recorded multiple metrics about the user's environment and made them aware of what could have caused a loss of focus.

Qwixx website

May, 6th 2022

The website for the Qwixx project.

Arduino projects

April, 23rd 2022

A few Ardunio projects using an Arduino shield and only using plain C, without the help of external libraries.


February, 11th 2022

A two-player dice game built in Java using JavaFX including statistics about the games that were played.

Connect 4

November, 19th 2021

A Connect 4 console application game built in Java. Features a leaderboard, a simple AI and a save/load system.